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No: 753

Find in Season 6

Ooh, so that’s why we’re over there. Here I thought it was a rude act of terrorism, or was it for the oil? Or for mama Hussein secret Falafel rest I’ve been ashklashf…Gosh, that hard to keep track.

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1 Comment

  1. Comment by PerPer

    ‘Ooh, so that’s why we’re over there. Here I thought it was to route out terrorism, or was it for the oil? Or for mama Hussein’s secret falafel recipe, ashklashf… Gosh, darn, hard to keep track’

    ~once again, kudos coxisms, thanks for the site~

  2. Comment by vorbelutrioperbir

    I am delighted that I observed this web blog, exactly the right information that I was looking for! .

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