Category: One Liners


Filed under: One Liners — @

The correct answer she was looking for is a giant ego”! I have a giant ego!”


Filed under: One Liners — @

Hardly seems like much of a punishment for the kid from Kenya. I mean, God’s sake, he could run all day.


Filed under: One Liners — DRK @

Note to self: You’ve got to start writing down the names of people that truly annoy you!


Filed under: One Liners — DRK @

Careful, there, sweet-cheeks. I haven’t decided which way I’m going to take your temperature yet.


Filed under: One Liners — DRK @

Oh, I-I-I’m sorry. Here I was in my own little world, talking to myself and dreaming about candy bracelets.


Filed under: One Liners — DRK @

I’ll be honest with you, I’m worried that I’m not going to be able to get your voice out of my head. It is a very real concern.


Filed under: One Liners — @

That’s a cute couple. I give ’em a week.


Filed under: One Liners,Season 6 — @

I’m not freshly ripping anybody anything anymore. I am done with anger.


Filed under: One Liners — DRK @

Look, we’re both men; one of us a little more than the other, but that’s okay.


Filed under: One Liners — DRK @

Dammit, Laverne. Why can’t I ever be the one dying?

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