Category: Put Downs


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Bob, I deeply dislike you. Honestly, it keeps me up at night.


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

I said I think you may not be the worst resident ever, but I can’t be sure of stuff like that. Come on, I haven’t done the appropriate leg work!


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Oh my God. What happened in your life that made you so needy that you’ve got to fill every waking second by babbling on?


Filed under: Put Downs — @

I was in a costume, too. I went as someone who doesn’t make a fool out of himself. How’d you not get that?


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Hey, Bob. As far as the whole intro thing goes, I’ve actually gone ahead and given it a lot of thought, but I’m afraid I’m gonna very politely have to tell you to blow it out your ass.


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Newbie, did you not see what just happened? Kelso is so far up my ass that I can taste Brylcreem in the back of my throat. And you, you’re…you’re third-year now. Wake up, this whole Dr. Cox Riding in to The Rescue part of the show is over.


Filed under: Put Downs,Season 4 — DRK @

Look, Newbie, there are times a man wants to keep something to himself. Like, say, he’s got a son. Or he’s 29-years-old and keeps a journal with a unicorn drawn on the cover.


Filed under: Put Downs — @

Whoa! Bob Kelso here before noon? They’re either giving away free doughnuts at the café, or there’s an Asian prostitute convention in the I.C.U.!


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

The fact of the matter is, I kinda make it a rule never to get in bed with people that I have nothing but contempt for.


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Oh, hey, this whole you-leaving-the-room-whenever-I-enter-it thing that you’re doing is just…I love it!

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