Category: Put Downs


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Gosh, I’m sorry, nervous guy, but I just can’t do your work for you. But, what do you say you head on down to the library and look it up in the New England Journal of Who Gives a Rat’s Ass?


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Hey, look, Gandhi, now just because you broke out your little Fisher-Price surgery set and somehow managed to not kill somebody for once, doesn’t mean you’re queen of the world.


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Hold that thought, Newbie…. One, two, three, four…. My new thing is to count just exactly how many people in any given room can kick your ass. And in here, the number is four.


Filed under: Put Downs — @

Or…we could skip the day-trip to Unnecessary Land and instead simply concede that Mrs. Wilk is my patient and that, while we are both attendings, we are in no way equals – we are in fact not equals. We are – hmmm! – unequals.


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

you look like the guy who goes to a garage sale, buys a bronze star, pins it to his lapel, and then tells everybody to call him Sarge.” And Newbie, nobody likes that guy. Not a soul.”


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Come on! I’m simply posing so your boyfriend can get a picture of me for his People Who Make Me Feel Like a Little Girl” scrapbook.”


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Tests? Oh goody! And what exactly will you be looking for? And if it’s the slowest doctor in the hospital, then ding! ding! ding! ding! I already found her.


Filed under: Put Downs — @

In victory, I get your stethoscope. It’s a trophy. You’re lucky we’re not back in olden times – I’d-a made a necklace outta your teeth.


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

You know, Newbie, it’s so interesting — I found I couldn’t sleep last night, so, in order to pass the time, I started to make a list of things that annoy me more than you. Anyway, I came up with people who call Wednesdays hump day” and, of course, all Sandra Bullock movies.”


Filed under: Put Downs — DRK @

Newbie, you told me to tell her exactly how I feel, I did just that. Now you’ll remain on the floor until you come up with a new plan for me.

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