Category: Season 1


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

Okay. Think of what little patience I have as…oh, I don’t know…your virginity: You always thought it would be there, until that night junior year when you were feeling a little down about yourself and your pal Kevin — who _just_ wanted to be friends — well, he dropped by, and he brought a copy of ‘About Last Night’ and a four-pack of Bartles and James and — ba-dow! hoo-hoo-hoo! — it was gone forever! …Just like my patience is now.


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

Oh, no. Here, I was led to believe that you were doing a gift certificate kind of thing. But, to sit and eat…with you, that’s-that’s just…that’s crazy talk! I have half a mind to issue you a drug test. I mean, come on, what’d I sign up for….?


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

Well, gosh, Marjorie, aren’t you sassy today! Did Santa finally bring you the Y chromosome you always wanted?


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

I know you. You’re gonna walk into that board room tonight, all tall and strong, and then you’re gonna sit back and just pray that nobody asks your opinion. I mean, I’m sure you-you probably think that your little visits here are a spontaneous surprise, but, did you ever wonder why the only two candles that I own are already lit when you walk in that door? I mean, doll, I hate to tell you this but, I don’t walk around all day with cologne down in my engine room. I’m not that guy!


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

So, in order to make this a more palatable experience for moi, I am not going to call you by your names — instead, I’ll be referring to you by whatever distinguishing physical characteristic occurs to me first. Okay…you, Chicken Beak, what causes pneumonia presenting with diarrhea?


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

Carla, can I ask you a personal question? Do you spray the perfume on, or do you just fill your bathtub up with it at home and splash around in it?


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

It’s a diagnosis of a ridiculously obscure disease when it’s much more likely that the patient has a common illness presenting with uncommon symptoms. In other words, if you hear hoof-beats, you just go ahead and think horsies — not zebras. Mm’kay, Mr. Silly Bear?


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

Eisenhower….was a sissy.


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

Okay, Newbie, how’d you drop the ball on this one? And don’t tell me you cried, or I’m gonna have you banned from the men’s room again.


Filed under: Season 1 — DRK @

I think, by the grace of God, we’re gonna be okay. Oh, and from now on, whenever I’m in the room, you’re definitely not allowed to talk.

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