Category: Quips


Filed under: Quips — DRK @

What could you possibly want from me in exchange for my support? Because I’m telling you right now, I am not dating that daughter of yours.


Filed under: Quips — DRK @

Newsflash: you can’t drink and then come to work – you’re not airline pilots!


Filed under: Quips,Season 3 — DRK @

Look, Pink, for the billionth time, no, I will not go out for a beer with you. Now repeat after me: Dr. Cox, you are not now, nor will you ever be, my mentor.


Filed under: Quips — @

Oh hey there wait ’til you get a load of this, they’re giving me a teaching award tonight so I’m gonna need you to go ahead and holster up ‘the twins’ as you’ll be playing the role of arm-candy”.”


Filed under: Quips — @

Well, I suppose it’s because when Jordan was pregnant, I mentally prepared myself for her giving birth to something green and…slimy.


Filed under: Quips — DRK @

God? My Brilliance is now becoming a bit of a burden….?


Filed under: Quips — DRK @

The man’s 92 years old, he has full dementia, he doesn’t even know we’re here. He is inches from Carla’s rack and he hasn’t even flinched.


Filed under: Quips — DRK @

Nice call on the anti-seizure medication, there, Newbie. You know I’m actually starting to think you may not be the worst resident that ever lived.


Filed under: Quips — DRK @

But soon enough I established myself as the best damn doctor that ever roamed around these filthy halls; which is a curse, actually, because now I’m expected to make eye contact with every insult to medicine that comes into this dump.


Filed under: Quips — @

Not until people start chanting my name so that I can exit the room with my hands held high above my head in a victorious gesture. Capisce? You see, this diagnosing machine, this fabulous thing? Well, it runs on props, so I’m going to need to hear it. Come now.

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