What could you possibly want from me in exchange for my support? Because I’m telling you right now, I am not dating that daughter of yours.
Category: Quips87What could you possibly want from me in exchange for my support? Because I’m telling you right now, I am not dating that daughter of yours. 287Look, Pink, for the billionth time, no, I will not go out for a beer with you. Now repeat after me: Dr. Cox, you are not now, nor will you ever be, my mentor. 533Oh hey there wait ’til you get a load of this, they’re giving me a teaching award tonight so I’m gonna need you to go ahead and holster up ‘the twins’ as you’ll be playing the role of arm-candy”.” 601Well, I suppose it’s because when Jordan was pregnant, I mentally prepared myself for her giving birth to something green and…slimy. 93The man’s 92 years old, he has full dementia, he doesn’t even know we’re here. He is inches from Carla’s rack and he hasn’t even flinched. 208Nice call on the anti-seizure medication, there, Newbie. You know I’m actually starting to think you may not be the worst resident that ever lived. 289But soon enough I established myself as the best damn doctor that ever roamed around these filthy halls; which is a curse, actually, because now I’m expected to make eye contact with every insult to medicine that comes into this dump. 551Not until people start chanting my name so that I can exit the room with my hands held high above my head in a victorious gesture. Capisce? You see, this diagnosing machine, this fabulous thing? Well, it runs on props, so I’m going to need to hear it. Come now. |
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